Journal Articles
Holt, Timothy. R., Horner, Jonti; Nesvorný, David; King, Rachel; Popescu, Marcel; Carter, Brad. & Tylor, Christopher (2021). Astrocladistics of the Jovian Trojan Swarms. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Volume 504, Issue 2, Pages 1571–1608. DOI: 10.1093/mnras/stab894 , ADS: 2021MNRAS.504.1571H ,arXiv: 2103.10967 , Press release: University of Southern Queensland researcher swaps dinosaur bones for fossils of the Solar system
Refereed articles:
Horner, Jonti; Wittenmyer, Robert A.; Kane, Stephen J;, Holt, Timothy R.; (2024) The Search for the Inbetweeners: How packed are TESS planetary systems?. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, ArXiv: 2411.00245
Fraser, Wesley C. ; Porter, Simon B. ; .... Holt, Timothy R.; et al. (2024) Candidate Distant Trans-Neptunian Objects Detected by the New Horizons Subaru TNO Survey. Planetary Science Journal, Volume 5, Number 10, 227. doi: 10.3847/PSJ/ad6f9e ArXiv: 2407.21142v1, ADS: 2024PSJ.....5..227F
Errico, Adriana; Wittenmyer, Robert A.; .... Holt, Timothy R.; et al. (2022) HD 83443c: A Highly Eccentric Giant Planet on a 22 yr Orbit. The Astronomical Journal, Volume 163, Issue 6, id.273, 19 pp. doi: 10.3847/1538-3881/ac6589, ADS: 2022AJ....163..273E
Buie, Marc W.; Keeney, Brian A. .... Timothy R. Holt et al. (2021) Size and Shape of (11351) Leucus from Five Occultations. The Planetary Science Journal, Volume 2, Number 5, 202. doi: 10.3847/PSJ/ac1f9b, ADS: 2021PSJ.....2..202B
Bolin, Bryce T.; Fernandez, Yanga R. ; Lisse, Carey M.; Timothy R. Holt et al. (2021) Initial Characterization of Active Transitioning Centaur, P/2019 LD2 (ATLAS), Using Hubble, Spitzer, ZTF, Keck, Apache Point Observatory, and GROWTH Visible and Infrared Imaging and Spectroscopy. The Astronomical Journal, Volume 161, Issue 3, id.116, 15 pp. doi: 10.3847/1538-3881/abd94b , ADS: 2021AJ....161..116B, arXiv: 2011.03782
Holt, Timothy R.; Vokrouhlický, David; Nesvorný, David; Brož, Miroslav & . (2020) Horner, Jonathan. A pair of Jovian Trojans at the L4 Lagrange point. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Volume 499, Issue 3, Pages 3630–3649, doi:10.1093/mnras/staa3064 . ADS:2020arXiv200906749H , arXiv: 2009.06749
Bolin, Bryce T.; Fremling, Christoffer.; Holt, Timothy R.; et al. (2020) Characterization of Temporarily-Captured Minimoon 2020 CD3 by Keck Time-Spectrophotometry. The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 900, Number 2. doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/abae69 ADS: 2020arXiv200805384B , arXiv: 2008.05384
Holt, Timothy R.; Nesvorný, David; Horner, Jonti; King, Rachel; Marschall, Raphael; Kamrowski, Melissa; Carter, Brad; Brookshaw, Leigh & Tylor, Christopher (2020). Stability of Jovian Trojans and their collisional families. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 495, Issue 4, pages 4085–4097. ADS: 2020MNRAS.495.4085H, doi: 10.1093/mnras/staa1348 , arXiv: 2005.03635, Escape dataset
Horner, J.; Kane, S. R.; Marshall, J. P.; Dalba, P. A.; Holt, Timothy. R.; et al (2020). Solar System Physics for Exoplanet Research. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. Volume 132, #1016, arXiv: 2004.13209
Holt, Timothy R., Brown, Adrian J., Nesvorný, David., Horner, Jonti. & Carter, Brad. (2018). Cladistical Analysis of the Jovian and Saturnian Satellite Systems. The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 859, Issue 2, article id. 97. ADS: 2018ApJ...859...97H , doi: 10.3847/1538-4357/aabe2c , arXiv: 1706.01423 , Github: Holt-et-al-2018-Satelite-cladistics
Holt, Timothy R., Salisbury, Steven W., & Willis, Paul M A. (2005). A new species of mekosuchine crocodilian from the middle Palaeogene Rundle Formation, central Queensland. Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. 50 (2), 207-218. Full text
Oral Presentations
Holt, Timothy. R., Lindsay, J (2024). Use of ePortfolios in a Masters of Science core course hybrid environment. 2024 Eportfolio Forum Emerging, Connecting, Sustaining, 10-11 September 2024 Shortened-peer review paper
Holt, Timothy. R. (2024). Using Engageli from a technical perspective. UniSQ Engageli showcase.
Holt, Timothy. R. and Souami, Damya. (2024). 2024 Didymos Occultation Campaign. TTSO18 - Trans-Tasman Symposium on Occultations, Full Text. 2024 Australian Didymos Occultation Campaign call
Holt, Timothy. R., Horner, Jonathan., Nesvorny, David., Carter, Brad. (2023). Astrocladistics for LSST Solar system research and beyond. Australian LSST Workshop 2023, Full Text.
Holt, Timothy. R., Horner, Jonathan., Nesvorny, David., Carter, Brad. (2022). Astrocladistics of Small Solar System Body Populations Using LSST. Australian LSST Workshop 2022, Full Text.
Holt, Timothy. R., Horner, Jonathan., Nesvorny, David., King, Rachel., Carter, Brad., Tylor, Christopher. (2021). Using Astrocladistics in Small Body research: The Jovian Trojans. COSPAR 2021, Virtual.
Holt, Timothy. R., Vokrouhlicky, David, Nesvorny, David., Broz, Miroslav, and Horner, Jonathan. (2021). Identification of an Asteroid pair in the Jovian Trojan population. COSPAR 2021, Virtual.
Holt, Timothy. R., Horner, Jonathan., Nesvorny, David., King, Rachel., Carter, Brad., Tylor, Christopher. (2020). The use of Astrocladistics as a tool for the identification of high priority targets in the Jovian Trojan population. AAS Division of Planetary Science meeting #52, Virtual. ADS Abstract
Holt, Timothy. R., Vokrouhlicky, David, Nesvorny, David., Broz, Miroslav, and Horner, Jonathan. (2020). A pair of Jovian Trojans. American Astronomical Society, DDA meeting #51, Virtual. ADS Abstract
Holt, Timothy. R., Horner, Jonathan., Nesvorny, David., King, Rachel., Carter, Brad., Tylor, Christopher. (2019). The use of multiple large-scale surveys in Astrocladistics: the Jovian Trojans. European Planetary Science Congress & American Astronomical Society-DPS joint meeting. Geneva, Switzerland. ADS Abstract. Full Text
Holt, Timothy. R., Nesvorny, David., Horner, Jonathan., Carter, Brad., Tylor, Christopher. & Brookshaw, Leigh (2019). Simulations of a Synthetic Eurybates Collisional Family. American Astronomical Society, DDA meeting #50. Boulder, CO. USA ADS Abstract. Full Text
Holt, Timothy. R., Horner, Jonathan., Nesvorny, David., Carter, Brad., Tylor, Christopher. & Brookshaw, Leigh (2018). Cladistics as a tool in Asteroid Taxonomy: The Jovian Trojan Asteroids. International Astronomy Union General Assembly XXX, Focus Meeting 1 - A Century of Asteroid Families. Vienna, Austria. Full Text
Holt, Timothy. R., Horner, Jonathan., Tylor, Christopher., Nesvorny, David., Brown, Adrian. & Carter, Brad. (2017). Investigating the origins of the Irregular satellites using Cladistics. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #49, id.511.03. Provo, UT. USA. ADS Abstract
Holt, Timothy R., Salisbury, Steven W. , Worthy, Trevor., Sand, Christophe. & Anderson, Atholl. (2007). New material of Mekosuchus inexpectatus (Crocodylia: Mekosuchinae) from the Quaternary of New Caledonia. 11th Conference on Australian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics. Melbourne, Australia. Full Text
Holt, Timothy R. & Salisbury, Steven W. (2005). New crocodilian remains from Hiatus A site (Early Miocene), Riversleigh, North-Western Queensland. 10th Conference on Australian Vertebrate Evolution, Palaeontology and Systematics. Naracoorte Caves National Park, Victoria, Australia.
Poster Presentations
Diniega, S., Benecchi, S., Berdis, B., Holt, Timothy. R. et al. (2022) Study Status Report from the DPS Meetings Exploration Team (DPS-MXT), and Request for Community Input. AAS Division of Planetary Science meeting #54, Virtual. id. 214.04
Holt, Timothy. R., Carter, Brad., Horner, Jonathan., Lowon, Nataliea., Wright, Duncan., Clark, Jake., Chavez Tapia, Cristian F.. (2022) Planetary and Exoplanetary science at the University of Southern Queensland. AAS Division of Planetary Science meeting #54, Virtual. id. 211.03
Holt, Timothy R; Horner, Jonathan ; Nesvorny, David ; King, Rachel ; Carter, Brad ; Tylor, Christopher. (2021). Identification of Priority Targets in the Jovian Trojans using Astrocladistics. AAS Division of Planetary Science meeting #53, Virtual. id. 306.14D. ADS Abstract
Hendrix, A. R.; Holt, Timothy R.; Verbiscer, A.; Primm, K.; Singer, K. N.; Royer, E.; Wilson, R. J.; Portyankina, G.; Aye, K. -M.; Parker, A.; Parker, J.; Keeney, B.; Olkin, C.; Kirchoff, M.; Kretke, K.; Marschall, R.; Buie, M.; Schindhelm, R.; Keller, J. (2020). Planetary Science Public Engagement at the Farmers Market. 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held 16-20 March, 2020 at The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 2326, 2020, id.2492. Abstract
Holt, Timothy. R., Nesvorny, David., Horner, Jonathan., Tylor, Christopher. & Carter, Brad., (2018). Temporal stability of the Jovian Trojan Asteroids. American Astronomical Society, DPS meeting #50, id.217.02. Knoxville, TN. USA. ADS Abstract. Full Text
Holt, Timothy. R., Horner, Jonathan., Nesvorny, David., Carter, Brad., Tylor, Christopher. & Brookshaw, Leigh (2018). Preliminary Astrocladistical analysis of the Jovian Trojan Swarm. 18th Australian Space Research Conference. Gold Coast, QLD Australia. Full Text
Holt, Timothy R. & Hurley, J. R. (2016). Stability of a Habitable Zone Jovian Planet in the Presence of a Second Jovian. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held March 21-25, 2016. The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1903, p.2914. Abstract. Full Text
Holt, Timothy R., Brown, Adrian J. & Nesvorný, David. (2016). Cladistical Analysis of the Jovian Satellites. 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, held March 21-25, 2016. The Woodlands, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1903, p.2676. Abstract. Full Text
Invited Talks
Why should we care about asteroids? Ballarat Speakers Club. 10 Aug. 2023
Astrocladistics in Solar system Research. QUB Colloquium. 9 February. 2022
Taxonomy and Dynamics of small Solar system objects. UQ Colloquium. 17 May. 2021
Taxonomy and Dynamics of Small Solar System. USQ PhD Thesis Seminar. 12 April 2021. Video
Astrocladistics in Planetary science. IPAG Colloquium. 27 Sep. 2019
What is Cladistics? SwRI Science Lunch. 8 Nov. 2017.
Classifying the satellite systems of Jupiter and Saturn using Cladistics. USQ Colloquium. 15 Mar. 2017.
Classifying the satellite systems of Jupiter and Saturn using Cladistics. SwRI Boulder Colloquium. 10 Jan. 2017. Full text
Outreach and other publications
2023, August - Asteroid (32519) TimHolt - UniSQ Press release and ABC article.
2020, July - Captured Small Solar System Bodies in the Ice Giant Region: Community Science White Paper for the Planetary and Astrobiology Decadal Survey, 2023-2032
2020, June - Astro[Sound]bites: Episode 15: Minor Planets, Major Problems (podcast)
2018, June - The Genealogical world of Phylogenetic networks: To boldy go where no one has gone before – networks of moons (Blog post)